

India on the Republic Day 2022

India on the 72nd Republic Day presents a very grim picture with its secular constitutional pluralistic democracy not working. Country has changed politically, socially and economically. Current regime in the Centre has actively participated and aided communal and divisive forces … Read the rest


Failure to curb crimes against women

Successive Union Governments have taken several administrative and legal measures to empower, secure women and minimize crimes against them. But unfortunately, crimes against women have been increasing year on year except in 2020 when such crimes came down by 8.3 … Read the rest


Railways under growing debt trap

Indian Railways (IR) has been mobilizing resources from freight traffic, passenger services, sundry sources, market borrowings, budgetary and extra budgetary support from the General Exchequer for its expansion, up gradation and modernisation. Borrowing arm of IR in the Ministry of … Read the rest

Opinion, Special

एमएसपी कितना व्यावहारिक है?

तीनों कृषि कानून के रद्द होने का रास्ता अब चूंकि प्रधानमंत्री ने स्वयं निकाल दिया है…. तो एमएसपी (MSP) पर कानून भी स्वयं प्रधानमंत्री ही लायें- अब मामला यहीं अटका हुआ है और संयुक्त किसान मोर्चा आंदोलन से पीछे नहीं हट … Read the rest


Indian Railways on cost cutting spree

Ministry of Railways has begun implementing a report on right sizing the workings of Indian Railways by reorganizing its public sector undertakings (PSUs) including Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) through mergers of some units and closure of some others to avoid … Read the rest


झारखण्ड के आदिवासियों का समाजवादी जीवन-दर्शन

सोवियत महल के विघटन के साथ ही समाजवाद का पतन शुरू हो गया और अब दुनिया के अधिकांश देशों से करीब-करीब विदा हो चुका है। संसदीय लोकतंत्र के आवरण में पूंजीवाद समस्त जगत में अपना पैंठ जमा चुका है। तथाकथित … Read the rest

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